Programming Ketra Keypads

In the Device Control tab, device categories are displayed near the top of the screen. The Keypads tab is where you assign scenes and shows to Ketra keypad buttons. We recommend building scenes on the Scenes tab and shows on the Shows tab, although you can build them on the Keypads tab as well.

About keypads:

  • Keypads control groups of Ketra lights, X2 dimmers, and outputs. With a single keypad, you can control multiple groups at the touch of a button. Keypads can be programmed to give detailed instructions to groups, including color configurations and time triggers.
  • By default, keypads can control the group they belong to as well as any subgroups in the hierarchy. For example, a Kitchen keypad might control devices in the "Kitchen" group as well as in the subgroups "Task", "General", and "Accent". This hierarchical control enables discrete zone control, since one button on the keypad might be programmed to affect "Task" while another affects "General".
  • Keypads can be independent or linked. If you have more than one keypad controlling the same groups, Design Studio will automatically link them.